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Ricardo M

A member registered Dec 26, 2016

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Congrats on making it to the video!!! I knew you had a great game here :D

If you do continue this, sign me up for testing :P

(1 edit)

Super impressive that you managed to put out a game this fleshed out in 48 hours. It was actually very enjoyable.

The tutorial is a bit too long and I was going to complain that it was too easy but then I got my ass kicked by the boss.

Ah and I would have preferred that you'd click on the dices to re-roll rather than to lock them but you get used to it. It's a small nitpick.

Also you can't convince me that the boss' dice isn't rigged. You just can't. Because I'm a good person I gave you a great rating despite of that.

I might actually play this again, the music is quite relaxing.

Edit: I played it again, oneshot the final boss. damn that felt good.

Congrats buddy!! Great game. 

Btw your aestethic and dialogue really reminded me of Overcooked.

Opponents take a bit too long to play out but I'm sure you are aware of that. I loved the "Don't spam buttons it causes bugs" message. Extra points for that!!!